The World Cup is the world's most widely watched sporting event, and it's no surprise. It brings together some of the most talented athletes from around the globe to compete at their best for their countries. The World Cup has been around since 1930 and has been hosted by many different countries - but which birds are represented in each participant country?
1.Qatar and Saudi Arabia: Falcon
The falcon is a bird of prey that includes more than two hundred species. Falcons are used for hunting in falconry. Falcons are part of the family Falconidae, which includes about 40 species. They are large, broad-winged diurnal birds of prey characterized by long pointed wings, short tails, and powerful legs.
The falcon is represented on flags, logos and in traditional costume. The falcon also appears on the man's long robe and belt, women's veil and sword sheath. It is a symbol of bravery and freedom in politics but also represents grace, elegance, ability and alertness when used to hunt prey.

2. Netherlands: Black-tailed Godwit
Black-tailed Godwit is one of the largest birds that breed in the Netherlands, standing more than 40 cm tall. The Black-tailed Godwit is a wading bird that likes to live near the sea. The male is a striking bird with a black hood, bright pink bill, and legs. Females are similar but smaller, with grey necks and breasts. The Black-tailed Godwit's breeding areas include North Sea islands and salt marshes, with wintering grounds in Africa.

3. Ecuador: The Andean Condor
The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is the national bird of Ecuador. The condor is an iconic symbol of Ecuador and appears on its coat of arms, postage stamps, and money. It is a symbol of an ancient Andean culture that was respected by the Inca and Hispanic cultures and was considered a spiritual guide for their people.

4. Senegal: African Spoonbill
The African Spoonbill is the national bird of Senegal, also known as the Whalehead. It is a large waterbird with a distinctive spatulate (spoon-shaped) bill. These birds feed as uniquely as they look, scooping up small fish, crustaceans, and aquatic insects off the water's surface with their bill.

5. England: European Robin
England's national bird is the European Robin (Erithacus rubecula). It is a small insectivorous passerine bird that was introduced into Britain sometime in the sixteenth century. This adorable bird is easily identified because of its bright red breast and black hood. The Robin can live for up to 12 years and mates for life with one other Robin.

6. United States: Bald Eagle
The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States of America. The Bald Eagle was made the national bird under the terms of an Act signed by President Woodrow Wilson on July 1, 1918. The bald eagle is also designated as the national bird of several U.S. states and territories, including Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico.

7. Iran and Croatia: Common nightingale
The Common nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos, is a small passerine bird best known for its song. It's the national bird of Iran. They have distinctive plumage with black and white for both sexes and all ages. The male sings at night but rarely in the daytime, as it roosts during the day. Iran and Croatia share the same national bird.

8. Wales: The Red kite
Wales is proud to have the Red kite as its national bird. The Red Kite is a medium-sized bird of prey, approximately 42–50 cm long and with a 1.1 m wingspan. It has broad rounded wings, a relatively long tail, and a relatively short, very wide bill amongst the Accipitrids, which is used in feeding.

9. Argentina: The Rufous Hornero
Argentina's national bird, the rufous hornero (Rupicola peruviana). This small, conspicuous bird is the namesake of one of Argentina's football teams, Boca Juniors. The rufous hornero has a wide range in South America, from Chile to Brazil and southwestern Uruguay. It lives in open areas such as grasslands and shrublands, and urban parks with trees with holes for nesting. The name 'rufous' means red, referring to its coloring. They fly alone or in pairs high above the vegetation and sometimes descend to drink on watercourses or wet marshes

10. Poland: White-tailed eagle
Polish national bird is the White-tailed eagle, a large bird of prey, one of the largest in Europe. This bird has white feathers on its head and neck and black on the back and tail. The Polish coat of arms contains white-tailed eagles on top of a red shield, topped with a crown. It was chosen as the official national bird in Poland in 1980 and symbolized courage, freedom, and health.

11. Mexico: Crested Caracara
Mexico's national bird is the crested caracara, a large bird of prey with a long yellow crest and long legs. The adult caracara is 2 feet 5 inches tall, making it one of North America's largest birds of prey. This species is found in Mexico, Central, and South America, as well as on some Caribbean islands. Their long hooked beak has helped naturalists identify fossils of prehistoric birds

12. France: The Gallic Rooster
The Gallic Rooster is France's national bird. Although it's not native to France, it was brought there by the Romans and is sometimes known as the French Cockerel or le coq gaulois. The Gallic rooster is the national symbol of France and became its official emblem in 1789. Since then, it has been used on coins, stamps, and coats of arms. It is a distinctive white bird with a red wattle around its neck and long legs that somehow remind you of an ostrich!

13. Australia: Laughing Kookaburra
Laughing Kookaburra is Australia's national bird and one of the world's most famous birds. It is a member of the kingfisher family and is the most-recognizable bird in all of Australia. Not only does it live in Australia, but it can also be found in other areas on the Australasian continent, such as Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Tonga. The kookaburra is also known by its scientific name Dacelo novaeguineae.

14. Tunisia: Cream-coloured courser
The Cream-coloured Courser, or greater flufftail, is a large course in the bird family Glareolidae which also includes many other species of waders. This species is found in arid and semi-arid areas across sub-Saharan Africa, from Mauritania and Senegal in the west to Kenya in southeast Africa. The bird is named for its striking plumage and was recently confirmed as Tunisia's national symbol

15. Denmark: The Mute Swan
Demark's national bird is the mute swan. The nation chose them since they are very common in Denmark, easily accessible, and fun to watch as they fly over open water. Their beautiful color and graceful appearance captured the hearts of Danes, who have loved them as their national symbol ever since.

16. Japan: The Green Pheasant
The official national bird of Japan is the Japanese Green Pheasant (Phasianus Versicolor), a resident breeder in the Ryukyu Islands and southern Japan. It is especially common on the island of Kyushu. The adult male is almost entirely bright glossy green with two narrow scarlet bands on each wing cover, a red wattle above its eye, brown mottled markings on its tail covers, a yellow neck ruff, and bright red feet.

17. Spain: Spanish imperial eagle
The Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), also known as the Iberian imperial eagle or lesser spotted eagle, is an endangered species of bird of prey in the Accipitridae family. It is rarer than the more famous golden eagle in Europe and slightly larger. The English name commemorates King Alfonso XII of Spain.

18. Germany: Golden eagle
The golden eagle is Germany's national bird. It is a large, powerful raptor with long wings and a tail. The golden eagle is found in many parts of the world, from the Arctic Circle to southern Africa. The golden eagle is a symbol of the German people. It has been prominent in the country's cultural life since ancient times and appears on many heraldic symbols

19. Costa Rica: Clay-colored Thrush
The Costa Rican National Bird is the Clay-colored Thrush native to the country. The thrush is found along forest edges and in gardens, where it can be seen hopping along branches or singing from high perches. It was chosen nationwide in 2001, defeating seven other candidates.

20. Morocco: Moussier's redstart
Morroco's national bird, Moussier's redstart, is a beautiful reddish-brown songbird. Its scientific name is Phoenicurus moussieri. It is native to Morocco and found on the slopes of the Rif Mountains, Atlas Mountains, and Haut-Atlas Mountains of Morocco. It was also voted one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

21. Belgium: Common kestrel
The Common kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, is the national bird of Belgium. It is a large bird of prey that belongs to the family Falconidae. The species is widely distributed across Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Female kestrels are generally larger than males. The Latin name tinnunculus means little thieving one, which refers to its habit of catching insects on the wing.

22. Canada: Brown jay
Canada's national bird is the Brown jaybird. Its nickname is the camp robber, and it lives mainly in the northern parts of North America. It has a dark blue-gray back, a light gray underneath, a dark gray crest, and a white face marked by light blue spots above its eyes. The "robin" or "robber" part of its name comes from their habit of eating other birds' eggs!

23. Brazil: Rufous-bellied thrush
Brazil's national bird is the Rufous-bellied thrush. Brazil is known for its diverse wildlife, including thousands of birds, many species of reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. One of the most striking birds in Brazil is its national bird: the Rufous-bellied thrush (Turdus rufiventris). This bird features a dark brown back and a light chestnut belly. It spends its winters in Brazil, but during breeding season takes flight to Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

24. Switzerland: Turaco
The Turaco is Switzerland's national bird. The Turaco is a gorgeous bird native to Africa. It has a bright green body, and its head, neck, and tail are a deep red. The bird has a large crest on its head that can be raised or lowered at will. The crest helps it attract mates and keeps predators away.
The Turaco lives in trees and eats fruit and insects. It also enjoys hanging around with other birds, so you'll often see them at the zoo together!

25. Cameroon: Common Loon
Cameroon's national bird is the Common Loon.
According to legend, the common loon represents Cameroonians' hard work and resilience. As aquatic birds that can dive deep into the water to catch fish, they have great endurance and can withstand harsh conditions. These traits make them a perfect representation of Cameroon's people and their ability to overcome challenges.
The common loon is also known for its beautiful calls, which sound like laughter.

26. Serbia: Griffon Vulture
Serbia's national bird is the griffon vulture.
The griffon vulture is a common bird in Serbia, found throughout the country in various habitats, including mountains, forests, and plains. The vulture is a scavenger that feeds on the carcasses of dead animals such as deer, sheep, and goats. It has also been known to attack live animals such as lambs, calves, horses, and donkeys if they are weak enough.
Approximately 5,000 griffon vultures are living in Serbia today.

27. Portugal: The swallow
Found in Portugal, the Swallow bird is Portugal's national bird and can be found throughout the country.
The Swallow bird is an elegant and graceful creature with long, flowing feathers that help it to fly in the air. It has a long beak with which it can catch insects and other small creatures. The Swallow bird can often be seen flying high above Portugal's lush forests and valleys, searching for its next meal.

28. South Korea: Oriental magpie
South Korea's national bird is the Oriental magpie. This bird has been a symbol of the country for centuries and is often depicted in art and literature. The species is known for its social nature, intelligence, and colorfulness—there are about ten different subspecies of magpies that can be found throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Oriental magpies have long been considered good luck in South Korea. Many people believe that when you see a pair of Oriental magpies together, it means you will be blessed with good fortune!

29. Uruguay: The southern lapwing
The southern lapwing is the national bird of Uruguay. It is a common bird in South America found in open fields and wetlands.
The southern lapwing has a black head, tail, and wings with a white belly. It has long legs and brown eyes. Its bill is yellowish-orange, with a black tip.
The males and females have different color patterns: males have black feathers on their necks, while females have white feathers. Males also have black and brown beaks, while females have orange and brown eyes.

30. Ghana: Tawny Eagle
The Tawny eagle is a large raptor that can grow up to 2 feet tall and weigh up to 6 pounds. It has a wingspan of up to 5 feet, and it's known for its sharp talons and keen eyesight.
This bird is native to sub-Saharan Africa, inhabiting savanna woodlands and acacia woodland. It hunts small mammals like rodents and reptiles, as well as birds.
The Ghanaian government has designated the Tawny eagle as their national bird to honor its beauty, strength, and importance in traditional culture.

We hope that you enjoyed learning about all of the national birds and their countries. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.