5 Bird Species We Need To Consider Saving

5 Bird Species We Need To Consider Saving

There are many birds in the world threatened with extinction. Beakwings is participating in the conservation of critically-endangered birds. Beakwings brand aims to highlight an endangered bird species with a series of exclusive garments.

Many birds in the world are threatened by extinction. We have created this brand to help protect these beautiful creatures from disappearing from our planet.

Each garment represents a bird and its habitat, so you can learn about these amazing animals while wearing them!

Here are 5 endangered bird species we want to highlight in the near future:


Kakapo is a fascinating bird that caught my attention not just because it's a critically endangered parrot but also has unique characteristics and distinctions from other parrots. The Kakapo is found only in New Zealand, where they live in the inner forests on the partially covered ground, in underground caves, and beneath large logs. These herbivorous birds graze for various native plant species' leaves, roots, bark, and seeds on the ground and in the treetops for fruit. The Kakapo is a very special bird!

Kakapo was widespread in New Zealand before human populations started to appear. Due to hunting, newly introduced predators, and land developments, population numbers rapidly decreased. Conservation efforts started in 1894, but Kakapo was in danger of going extinct by the middle of the 20th century.

In 2009 there were only a few Kakapos (19), and extinction seemed a possible event.

According to the conservation agency, the endangered flightless parrot known as the Kakapo has had a great mating season and has grown by 25% in the past year.

The population of kakapo birds has grown by 25% in the past year to 252, according to the conservation agency.

The breeding season this year was a success thanks partly to artificial insemination, a technique that helps manage populations of endangered species by using sperm collected from males.

Snowy Owl

The snowy owl is a large, beautiful bird of prey living in the Arctic tundra. It's also known as the Arctic owl, great white owl, or snow owl. These birds are found across the northern hemisphere. They reside in open fields, tundra, mountains, forests, and wetlands. This owl's environment makes it highly vulnerable to changes in climate and habitat loss. However, their population numbers are currently declining at an alarming rate. 

Their population decline can be attributed to several factors:

  1. The mice these birds require for food are increasingly difficult to find due to melting polar ice caps.

  2. Their habitat is being lost as more and more people move northward into snowy owl territory.

  3. These birds are highly vulnerable to diseases because they live far away from humans and other animals who could help them if they were sick or injured.

All three of these factors combined have resulted in a decline of 85% since 2003! 

We must act now if we want there to be any hope left for this beautiful species of bird!

Yellow-Crested Cockatoo

The Yellow-crested Cockatoo is an endangered species of cockatoo. These cockatoos are native to New Guinea and Australia and are commonly found in the wild. Their yellow crest curls forward, and they have white plumage with some black feathers. Their feet are gray, their bill is black, and the undersides of their wings and tails are yellow. Males have black eyes, while females have reddish-brown eyes. They have blue skin around their eyes. Young birds have gray eyes, and their newborn down is spotty yellow.

The pet trade's unsustainable overexploitation and habitat degradation are the greatest threats to the Yellow-crested Cockatoo.

The IUCN Red List estimates that less than 7,000 Yellow-crested Cockatoos exist worldwide. The IUCN Red List now classifies this species as critically endangered (CR) because of the population decline.

African Grey

Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth macaw is a stunning and majestic bird, but its future is scary.

Just 7,000 of these birds remain in the wild, down from 10,000 estimated to have been taken unlawfully for the pet trade in the 1980s. The Hyacinth macaw is listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List, and it's hard to imagine how such a beautiful creature could be on its way out.

The main reason for their decline is habitat degradation brought on by farming, ranching, and hunting for food and headdress adornment by native peoples. But the pet trade has brought them this close to extinction.

To put that number into perspective: 10,000 birds were estimated to have been unlawfully taken in the 1980s when a captive bird might cost up to $12,000. Only 7,000 Hyacinth macaws remain in the wild today. 

We are proud to say that Beakwings is committed to highlighting and representing critically endangered bird species with our clothing brand.

We believe the world would be better if people took the time to learn about the birds around them.

We hope you'll join us in protecting these birds and allowing them to survive!

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